BTL Industrías Metalúrgicas, S.A.

our commitment.

Quality Control

At BTL – Indústrias Metalúrgicas, S.A., Quality, Safety and the Environment are fundamental pillars that support all our operations.

We have a laboratory specialized in control and testing techniques, with the capacity to perform:

We are committed to offering high quality products and strict control at every stage, ensuring the excellence that our customers deserve.

Controlo Dimensional
Controlo Dimensional

Dimensional Control

Verifies the dimensions of parts to ensure they are within specified tolerances.

Teste de Pressão
Teste de Pressão

Vacuum Testing

Tests the tightness of parts to ensure there are no air or gas leaks.

Teste Hidráulico
Teste Hidráulico

Hydraulic / Pressure Testing

Assesses the resistance of parts under pressure to verify their capacity to withstand hydraulic loads without failure.

Líquidos Penetrantes
Líquidos Penetrantes

Penetrating Liquids

Identifies cracks and surface defects through the application of liquids that penetrate discontinuities.

Teste de espessura
Teste de espessura

Thickness Measurement

Measures the thickness of parts to ensure they meet design specifications.

Teste de espessura da tinta
Teste de espessura da tinta

Paint Film Thickness Measurement

Verifies the uniformity and adhesion of the paint layer applied to parts.

Teste de Rugosidade
Teste de Rugosidade

Roughness Measurement

Evaluates the surface texture of parts to ensure they meet finish requirements.


Industrial Radiography

Uses X-rays to inspect the interior of parts, identifying structural defects invisible to the naked eye.

Company Policy

Assuming the commitment to meet the requirements, expectations and needs of its clients and relevant interested parts, asserting itself by its qualified technological capability, ensuring the achievement of competitive advantages through innovative projects, with the quality adequate to the purpose for which they are intended, BTL adopts the following Policy

  • Creation and development of innovative engineering projects and products that meet the expectations of our clients, ensuring compliance with the applicable requirements and availability of information and all the resources necessary to achieve the goals and targets.
  • Establishment of solid and sustained relationships of proximity and trust with clients, suppliers and partners in general.
  • Continuously improve the quality of our products / services, with the optimization and control of the manufacturing processes and promote continuously the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System.
  • Reduction of costs through the reduction of failures and the optimized allocation of resources to the several activities.
  • Continuously evaluate the performance of our processes, implementing adequate corrective and improvement actions.
  • Valuing the knowledge and experience of the employees, promoting training and professional qualification activities.
  • Ensuring full compliance with the applicable legislation and regulations, as well as accomplish with the legal requirements on Safety and Health on Work, in order to promote a safe and healthy work environment for its employees, preventing accidents and work incidents and professional diseases.
  • Contribute to minimize the significant environmental impacts resulting from the activity, adopting as a principle the environment protection through the reduction of energy consumption and the waste and sustainable use of available resources and technologies.
  • To foment the mutual respect and defend the right to equality in the workplace without discrimination or distinction of ethnicity, creed or gender.

Through this Policy, together with its Mission and Values, BTL is committed to complying with the requirements of the Quality Standard NP EN ISO 9001 and Innovation – NP4457.
BTL requests to all its employees, subcontractors and other relevant interested parts in the scope of their functions, to actively contribute to the promotion and continuous improvement of their processes in an efficient manner and to the full satisfaction of their customers.